Click & Collect - Checking for new orders
Order notifications
When a Click & Collect order is received a notification email will be sent to the store email address from
If the order contains S2 medicine(s) an additional email from will be received. This email contains the information for Pharmacist review of the order.
To ensure orders are not missed it is best practice to check for orders in Brightpearl. Check for overnight orders at the beginning of the day and then check on an hourly basis for orders which have a “New BigCommerce Order” or “Pharmacist Review” status. Checking for orders reguarly will ensure that the 3 hour Click & Collect fulfilmment time is able to be achieved.
Adding emails to your contact list
You can add the email addresses used for Click & Collect notifications to your contact list in Outlook which will also help to ensure notification are not missed.
Here are the steps for adding the emails to your contact lists:
Open Outlook and click on the people button at the bottom of the screen

From the Home menu, select New Contact

Enter a name and email address
From the Contact menu select Save & Close

Repeat for the second email address
If you would like assistance to set up an Outlook file to which Click & Collect emails can be organised to please raise a ticket.
Check for new orders in Brightpearl
Check for new Click & Collect orders in Brightpearl using the following steps:
Login to Brightpearl
Navigate to the Homepage icon

New and previous orders will be displayed in chronological order.
New orders will have a status of:

- Or, if they contain S2 medicine(s), Pharmacist Review

S2 order assessment process
If an order contains an S2 medicine, the order must be reviewed by a Pharmacist using the following procedure.
Orders containing an S2 medicine(s) will have a Pharmacist Review status in Brightpearl.
A reminder that S2 medication(s) cannot be returned, as per our Returns Policy.
Locate email with patient information for the order. This email will be sent to the store email address from
Review patient information and assess if the S2 medicine(s) ordered are suitable for the patient
If a Pharmacist approves that medicine(s) ordered are suitable for the patient proceed with the order fulfillment process in Brightpearl (see below). These fulfillment steps can be carried out by a Pharmacist or another store team member
If a Pharmacist finds that the the medicine(s) ordered are not suitable for the patient, the pharmacist needs to complete the following steps:
- Call customer within 3 hours to seek more information about their condition
- If the customer answers your call and through questioning you are able to approve that the medicine(s) ordered are suitable for the patient, proceed with the order fulfillment process in Brightpearl (see below). These fulfillment steps can be carried out by a Pharmacist or another store team member
- Record notes and the outcome of any conversations with the customer under the Notes and payment history tab in the Add notes field for the order and click Save Changes to save the record

If the customer does not answer the call from the Pharmacist send the customer the below email asking them to call the store about their order. Update the information highlighted in yellow before sending the email to the customer
Subject line: Blooms The Chemist Store Name Order #XXXXX
Hi Customer Name,
Thank you for your Click & Collect order #XXXXX.
We attempted to call you today as we require further information to proceed with fufilling your order.
Please call us on (XX) XXXX XXXX when it is convenient for you to speak with a Pharmacist about your order.
If we do not hear from you within 24 hours your order will be cancelled and refunded.
Kind regards,
Blooms The Chemist Store Name
If the customer calls the store and a Pharmacist collects the information required to approve the medicine(s) ordered as being suitable for the patient proceed with the order fulfillment process in Brightpearl (see below). These fulfillment steps can be carried out by a Pharmacist or another store team member
If the customer does not call the store or if after speaking with the customer, the Pharmacist is not able to approve the medicine(s) ordered as being suitable for the patient the following steps need to be completed:
- Change the status of the order in Brightpearl to Cancelled and click Save changes

Remember to record information about interactions with the customer in the Notes and payment history tab for the order
If a customer ordered other products that are not S2 medicine(s) these proucts can be fulfilled as normal.
To partially fulfill an order remove the unsuitable S2 medicine(s) by clicking the cross symbol for the relevant item(s) and clicking Save changes. Then complete fulfillment steps as below.