Click & Collect - Fulfill orders
Fulfilling orders requires printing the customer’s invoice, collecting the ordered items, packaging them and updating the order status in Brightpearl.
Select the order to fulfill by clicking on the BrightPearl order number in blue text
Check the Custom fields tab to see if the customer has left any notes about their order
Print a copy of the order summary by clicking on the Email/Print button and then clicking Print from the new browser tab that opens
Collect ordered items and package using a Blooms The Chemist branded paper bag.
Staple or tape the order summary print out to the bag to make it easy to check the customer’s name and order number when the come into store.
Click the Fulfil order button and select the Fulfil and mark as shipped option. This updates POS stock on hand
Click OK on the Brightpearl pop up
Then change the status of the order to Awaiting Collection by click on the dropdown at the top left hand side of the order screen and click Save changes
The customer will now be sent an email notification to let them know their order is ready for collection.