Account Payment Utility
The Account Payment Utility allows users to apply payments to accounts in bulk. This payment function is used mainly towards groups holding many accounts such as; nursing homes, Public Trustees, etc.
Payments made in this function will apply to a CSP register, and will appear in sales reports about the Account Payment Batch number.
Note: By allocating customers to a customer group it will be easier selecting the customers.
1. Log on to System Menu
2. Select 'Customer'
3. Select 'Account Payment Utility' This will open Account Payment Utility window
4. Select 'New' [F2]
5. Enter in a description
6. Select Tender
7. Select Register
8. Enter the value of the payment being made
9. In grid, enter customers ID or select ellipses to search and select customers required
10. Select 'Save' [F3]
11. Payment Amounts will automatically suggest in the Payment Amount column. To redistribute the amounts, select 'distribute' or enter the payment values in grid in 'Payment Amount' column. By selecting 'Distribute' the total of the payment will be distributed accordingly to each amount due.
12. Review grid information. Edit if required
13. Select 'Save' [F3]
14. Select 'Apply' [Ctrl A]
15. A Prompt message will appear- 'Applying this batch to pay off the total of [AMOUNT OWING] across [#] customers. This action is not reversible, are you sure you want to proceed? Yes/ No'
16. Select 'Yes'
17. Enter user ID and password
18. Select Continue
19. A Prompt message will appear- 'Account payment batch applied successfully. OK'
20. Select OK