Foot Traffic Cameras - Reading the Data
In this article you can learn about Metric Definitions and useful Power BI features to help enhance your experience.
For help accessing your Foot Traffic Dashboard - Please see here: Foot Traffic Camera Dashboard - How to access
Metric Definitions
The total number of people entering the store each day.
Median (red bar indicator - see below)
The middle number since the data was being captured. The traffic cameras were installed at different times for different stores. Please ask Blooms IT the install date for your store if required, your Area Manager will also have this date.
The Day of the week which is controlled by the date selector.
-Comparison stores
Total Sales Ex + HIC in POS for all items in both the DISP and FRONT categories.
This excludes the payment types Payment, No Sale, Till Skim, Till Float, Incomplete Sale, Cancelled Sale, Cash Out Only, Pay In, Payout.
Transaction for the day count / Traffic Count for that day. Example: every Monday excluding Mondays with zero traffic count. Median Example = 10 Mondays have values its the median of the 10 Mondays.
ATV - Average transaction value.
Built by taking every value of every transaction from POS on the date selected and then averaging out this number shown in $ value e.g. $23.50.
UPT - Units Per Transaction
Put together by averaging every unit sold in every transaction and averaging this number shown in units e.g. 1.25 would mean that in each transaction we are averaging 1.25 units.
Comparison Stores
When selecting the comparison stores this metric was based on a few key metrics by store which are
● Total $ Sales
● Total Scripts
● Metro / Regional
● Strip / Centre
A completed transaction in POSWorks or also known as a completed Sale in POSWorks.
The average of the metric since it was first measured. As mentioned above your store traffic Cameras were installed at a particular date. This means its average since the install date when referring to traffic.
WK# 2020 / 2019
Financial weeks e.g. WK1 2020 = Week 1 in the 2020 financial year which would be the date range 01/07/2019 - 07/07/2019.
Power BI features
When you hover over a graph long enough you will see a metric for the particular spot on the graph. Example: by hovering over the UPT graph line, you will see a dollar value appear.
Some tabs will have a scroll bar located at the bottom of the individual square pane. If you click and hold this you can slide it to the right and left which will show you the results for each financial week.
Focus Mode
The below icon is located in the right hand corner of each square pane. This button will enlarge the current pane to show a larger more detailed view.
Show Data
If you select the three small dots located in the upper-right corner of certain panes, you will encounter a "show data" option. Clicking on this option will lead you to an expanded, more detailed view featuring raw numbers pertinent to the selected pane.