User Manager
The User Manager program is typically used by employees with high security levels, or have been granted access. In this program, employees can add users, alter the permissions of other users, and delete users. The User Manager is the program that stores staff information and enables and disables access the programs depending on their job and responsibilities.
The screen can be split into two parts; Staff Access details and Staff Contact Details.
Staff Access Details
Within the Staff Access details are fields that dictate what the user can access within the POS Works system.
Field Name
User Code
This code will appear on the registers to identify who is logged on. The user code field will only accept letters, numbers, and underscores (_). The user code must be unique for all users, no two users may have the same code.
Last Name
This is the surname of the employee.
Global User
When tagged, will enable the user's code to be used at any store. Please be mindful that the Security Level and selected Security Preset will apply to all locations. This is set at HO.
First Name
This is the given name of the employee.
Middle Name
This field in not compulsory. In this field would be any other given names or middle names of the employee.
CSP User Number
This is the user ID number the employee will use to log into and use POS Works programs. The CSP User Number cannot exceed more than 8 characters. The CSP User Number must be unique for all users, no two users may have the same code.
CSP Password
This is the Password the employee will set and use to log onto POS Works. This password will be used for all applicable POS Works programs and accepting changes of any kind (if applicable).
The store that the employee works at. This field usually defaults to the location the POS Works program is being used at.
Security Level
Security Levels are used by the CSP Register to control user access to various Register functions. HO can set Register Security Level. 1 is the lowest number; 9 is the highest.
Security Preset
Security Levels can be set automatically using this field. Security Presets are usually created to suit job position. For example, a manager will have different permissions to a sales assistant. Security preset can be changed by Head Office.
These are a list of programs within POS Works. If a Preset is selected, this window will indicate which programs the preset can and can not access. If no preset is selected these checkboxes can be tagged manually to adjust program permissions for the individual user.
Staff Contact Details
This is where all contact/ personal details of the staff member can be kept.
Field Name
The address of the employee. In this field enter the street number, the street and suburb.
The city the employee lives in.
The state the employee lives in.
The employee's email address.
The employee's phone number.
The employee's contact number.
The employee's fax number.
The employee's job title.
Employee Number
A company employee ID number.
Employment Start Date
The date the employee started working for the company.
Employment End Date
The date the employee finished working for the company.
Any comments about the employees, such as; Medical conditions, birthday, times that they are unavailable, etc.
Basic Functions
Listed below are guides on usage for both Store and Admin Locations.
Creating New User
Editing User
User Permissions