NDSS Process Guide
If the patient is NOT a Blooms Loyalty Customer use the first process.
Patient's who do not hold a Blooms Loyalty Card
1. Scan NDSS item into a sale - Item will load at regular sell price
2. Select Customers on side menu
3. Select Local Search
4. Ensure "Local store customers only" is unticked
5. Type 'NDSS' into the Company Name & click Search
6. Select the correct pricing point for the customer
7. Pricing will update to correct amount based on NDSS Pricing
8. Continue sale as normal
If the patient IS a Blooms Loyalty Customer use this process below.
Patient's who hold a valid Blooms Loyalty Card.
1. Search the customer in "customers" and or scan the customers card
2. Once loaded, in the top left corner and select "update"
3. In Update, select "NDSS Group" and select the group accordingly.
If you are unsure you can find this on the NDSS Portal when selecting their items.
4. Once updated, put through the sale as normal.
(This can include other OTC/DISP items)
Ensure that you confirm and update the customer accordingly as their NDSS group can change.