Patient Preferences in Dispense Works
The Patient Preferences tile can be found in the Patient Maintenance [F8] screen. Within Patient Preferences, you have the ability to set individual settings for the patient.
Preferred Prescriber
When a Preferred Prescriber has been set for a patient, the prescriber will be selected by default when dispensing for the patient. When there is no preferred prescriber set, the previous prescriber used for that patient will load in the prescriber section, when completing a manual dispense.
To add a preferred prescriber:
Search for the prescriber using their name (last name followed by first name) or prescriber number
Hit [Enter] to make your selection
Repeat Printing
Next Repeat is the default repeat printing setting for patients. You have the ability to change this to Current Repeat (for internally dispensed repeats) and Do Not Print, which will disable repeat printing for the patient.
Note: This does not effect repeat printing while completing Batch Dispensing - the current repeat form will print out as standard.
Capitalisation Setting
The Capitalisation Setting is used to set how a patient's name and address is displayed and printed on labels and repeat forms.
The following options are available to set as a Patient Preference for the Capitalisation Setting:
Global - This is the default setting for a patient and will follow what is set in the Store Settings
First Letter Capitalised - The first letter of each word will be capitalised
UPPER CASE - All letters will be set to upper case
lower case - All letters will be set to lower case
Free text - The letters will appear however you type it into the Patient Details fields
Preferred Electronic Address
When a Preferred Electronic Address has been set for a patient, this will be automatically be selected as the electronic address the repeat token is sent to when dispensing electronic prescriptions.
A yellow star will be displayed next to the preferred electronic address in the Electronic Address pop-up which is displayed when:
Adding an electronic prescription to the Script Queue
Dispensing an electronic prescription
Reissue Token > Electronically is selected
Use PES Updates
Dollar Discount
You have the ability to choose the dollar discount preference for individual patients which will override the Global Dollar Discount setting that has been set for the store (see Store Settings for more information).
For example, if the global setting is set as no discount, you can set the patient preference to Discount so they receive the dollar discount for eligible prescriptions - or vice versa. If the patient preference is set to Global (default setting), they will follow the rules that have been setup in Store Settings.
Note: Dispense Works applies the dollar discount in the following order of priority: Patient > Facility > Store Settings.
Patient Status
The Patient Status can be changed to Deceased if required which will stop them from appearing in Patient Search on the Dispense Works Home Screen. This will also stop their name from being printed on the extra family label that when safety net is reached.
If the profile for the patient needs to be accessed after they have been made deceased, they can be found and made active again in Tools> Patients Maintenance.
You can find more details in the article:
Note: The delete option for patient status will remove the patient from the system. This action cannot be undone.
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