Patient Accounts in Dispense Works
POS Works Customer Accounts can be created and linked in Dispense Works through Patient Maintenance[F8]. Patient Accounts can be accessed by selecting the Patient Accounts tile to the right of the screen.

Patient Account Features
When a patient has an account linked in Dispense Works, POS Works Customer Maintenance can be opened directly from a patient profile by clicking the Customer Maintenance button.

When a patient has a Customer Account and/or a Work Cover Account recorded and a script is completed, the following prompts will appear:

Selecting Yes will directly charge the Work Cover Account. Selecting No will prompt you to charge the script to a Customer Account, or to send the script directly to the register.
Note: Auto Charge will be disabled when a patient is linked to a Work Cover Account.
If the Credit Limit is being exceeded a pop-up will be displayed to alert you and ask if you would like to continue to charge the account.

When prescriptions are charged to an account, the price on the dispensing label will be displayed with an asterisk (*) if charged to a Customer Account or a caret (^) if it has been charged to a Work Cover Account.

When prescriptions have been charged to a Patient Account or Work Cover Account, an ACC or W/C, respectively, will be shown in the Price column of Medication History[F2].

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