Glycoprep Orange Order Code Issue
Please note Glycoprep Orange Sachets 70g are available from Symbion to order with 2 different order codes.
These are created in POS accordingly with different Item IDs but as Sachets all have same barcode this can cause discrepancies in SOH and GP.
A workaround needs to be implemented by your store to ensure all data is correctly recorded:
- Essentially the Item ID that is ordered and invoiced, needs to be the item that is sold at the register
- Item ID that is invoiced only needs to be marked as stocked, SOH and Min/Max set
- As same barcode is on all products, Item ID at the Register is recommended to be used
Item ID is now ticked as main barcode and peel off labels can be printed
- Fastkey can be used for product on register
- Cost in the COST/SELL Tab of Item Maintenance should have the correct carton size of Order Code supplied
Cost Column should be applied like below- Note Carton Size and Cost price is entered correctly; this data can be manually updated and saved.
Stores can set own Sell Price as they wish.
Cost/Sell guides are available on the Ticket Desk here!